Circular Chemistry

Why the Circular Chemistry double up your profits

Why the circular chemistry double up your profits!

The ChemSec report was launched today

We got the assignment from ChemSec to describe the association between hazardous chemicals and the Circular Economy. ChemSec launched the report today, The missing piece – Chemicals in Circular Economy,,circular-economy/the-missing-piece/. Companies like Apple, HM, IKEA etc have already understood the role of circular chemistry.

Have you? The case with reports like this is that you can only publish 10% of all the facts, figures and cases due to limited space. On the other hand, it is good to know that it is much more to get if you want.

The issue of chemicals has so far been the missing piece

Our company, re:profit, addresses sustainable profits – profitable sustainability, and it is very obvious that it is both important and smart when you read what circular chemistry is all about. As truly circular economy decouples profitability from planetary devastation, profits can really be a driver for sustainability – if you do it right. The crucial part is however to be proactive in the design phase and exclude all those hazardous substances that blocks an eternal life for all the product life cycles. From customers and purchasers’ point of view it is crucial to work with suppliers that understand this mindset.

The taste of profitable stuff that serves the society as well

The societal costs for spreading hazardous industrial substances like endocrine disrupters are estimated to be a couple of hundred million of Euro. The reluctance of recycling more plastics is, on the other hand, very much due to lack of transparency and bad experiences of contaminated materials. Only in the sector for fastmoving goods there are calculated potential material savings of 700 million of Euro. The hidden treasure for detoxified gods is therefore approaching one billion Euro.

re:profit has got the know how

Let your company fly into the new circular economy in the most feasible way. Hire us for lectures or workshops. We understand business, marketing, communication, materials and the circular economy.


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