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The civilization is actually at stake. The latest IPCC-reporting is horrifying, but still you can take the leadership or be part of the solution. The climate issue is however just one part of the bigger sustainability picture together with the chemical and plastic pollution, deforestation, extinction of fish stocks etc. But what should I do and what’s in it for my business?

This can be managed by practicing methodologies that cover complexity and system thinking. It is actually very much about how to plan and design the products we are buying and selling. We use the FSSD-model and learn how this can be applied to your business in an unsecure and quickchanging world. For the moment we are working on a web course on “circular chemistry for non-chemists” that is probably very relevant for you in your role as a Chief Sustainability officer, Procurement manager, Policy maker or Product Development manager. Please, have a look at our survey and give your opinion.

För våra svensktalande kunder har vi andra alternativ. Du kan anmäla dig till en gratis minikurs för företagare till att börja med. Sedan har vi kurser i hur du skapar en hållbarhetspolicy och vi skapar nu en kurs i vad kommunikatörer bör veta om hållbarhet. Fyll gärna i vår enkät om vad du vill ha med på en sådan kurs, så återkommer vi.


Vi hjälper dig att komma igång med cirkulär ekonomi